Flameproofing 101

Posted on September 19th, 2018 by ContentEditor

Have you ever watched the news and gotten a knot in your stomach when you see videos of a tragic fire? Intrinsically, we know the devastating aftermath that follows a horrible event like a fire. Fortunately, those fires are few and far between, and that’s because so many fire prevention methods are at work and doing their jobs. One of the unsung heroes in fire prevention is flameproofing. We don’t hear about it much because, behind the scenes, it’s so effective in actually preventing fires. However, flameproofing is a requirement for all public gathering places. Business owners often have questions about flameproofing, the process, and what’s involved.  While flameproofing is typically a quick and simple procedure, there are some particular aspects that need to be adhered to.  Today, we will go over Flameproofing 101.

One question business owners often have pertains to how flameproofing is performed.  While the FDNY doesn’t demand any one particular method for fireproofing, there are variables depending on the company that is flameproofing, the size of the job, and the particular items that are being treated.  One unchanging requirement put forth by the FDNY is that the items that are being flameproofed must either be soaked in or coated with flame repellents.  In the soaking method, eligible items are saturated with the flameproofing treatment, which allows the chemicals to be absorbed into the deepest levels of the material.  In contrast, items are brushed or sprayed with fire retardants when the coating method is used. When both methods are placed side by side, soaking is the more effective method due to the more thorough levels of penetration.

Another question business owners often have is related to the chemicals that are used for flameproofing treatments.  The best kind of chemicals to use for flameproofing are water-soluble ones because they work the best and cost the least.  (Who doesn’t like that, right?).  The negative side of using water-soluble treatments, however, is that they lose some of their potency when they come in contact with water, usually due to adverse weather or washing.  Other fireproofing treatments lose some of their ability to protect when they are dry-cleaned. And yet, there are still others that could damage the item, discolor the item, or have some limitations as to the time duration of their effectiveness.  No one treatment is perfect, but the flameproofing company performing your treatments can discuss which one is best suited for your business environment.  Regardless of which chemical treatment used, every flame repellent must be one that is authorized by the FDNY and has a Certificate of Approval.

Regardless of which chemicals used or which method performed, there is one element that must be adhered to in order for the FDNY to recognize and validate the flameproofing treatment.  The whole procedure of fireproofing a business establishment must be carried out or personally supervised by a flameproofing company that is a C-15 Certificate of Fitness holder. NYC Flameproofing is a carrier of this certificate and thereby sanctioned by the FDNY to perform all flameproofing treatments.

As a society, we all have been witness to the devastating effects of fire, whether firsthand or through secondary means such as the news.  As business owners, we have a responsibility to do our due diligence in keeping our customers and employees as safe as possible from the threat of fires. Flameproofing is a vital (and required) step in ensuring your business establishment is a safe location for the public to gather.  While not a complicated process, fireproofing is a necessary and critical measure for fire prevention.  NYC Flameproofing is an industry expert in flameproofing for over 50 years.  We would be happy to serve you and help keep your community safe from fire.  Please call us today so we can discuss which flameproofing methods and materials would be best suited for your business location. We offer free, no-obligation estimates.  Call today: (800) 291-0904



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